Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rep. Luis Guitierrez Arrested, White House Protesting Deportations - Hispanically Speaking News

Rep. Luis Guitierrez Arrested, White House Protesting Deportations - Hispanically Speaking News

WATCH: Rep. Luis Guitierrez Arrested in Front of White House Protesting Immigrant Deportations

WATCH:  Rep. Luis Guitierrez Arrested in Front of White House Protesting Immigrant Deportations

Yesterday, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, the Democrat from Illinois, was arrested at 4:40 pm (EST) for protesting in front of the White House with others against the deportation of undocumented immigrants.

Gutierrez, has long been a proponent of immigration reform that includes amnesty and passage of the DREAM Act. Currently he is taking issue with the Obama administration of deportation non-criminal illegal aliens and most of all the separation of families due to the deportation.

Yesterday the Congressman sat in front of the White House fence holding a sign that read “Stop Separating Our Families”. When asked to leave government property Gutierrez refused and he and 11 other individuals were then arrested. In interviews prior to his arrest he is urging the President to use his “broad discretionary powers” in regards to deportations. He also cited the fact that more people have been deported under Obama then any other president.

The protests and arrests took place while hundreds of immigration reform activists