Saturday, July 2, 2011

Probe shows union-busting Michelle Rhee wrote Michigan anti-teacher law » peoplesworld

Probe shows union-busting Michelle Rhee wrote Michigan anti-teacher law » peoplesworld

Probe shows union-busting Michelle Rhee wrote Michigan anti-teacher law


DETROIT - A supposed nonprofit, non-partisan group established by Michelle Rhee, the former chancellor of the Washington, D.C., school system who became known for her anti-union schemes, has virtually written the slew of anti-teacher bills moving through the GOP-run Michigan legislature, an outside investigator reports.

In a case of “if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it is a duck,” so to speak, Laura Clawson, a senior writer at Daily Kos, uncovered the working document from Rhee’s group, Students First. Wilson posted her article and a link to the group’s document on her blog.

The revelation came just as the GOP-run Michigan legislature was moving the package of education bills towards an expected signature by GOP Gov. Rick Snyder, and just after the administrator of the majority-minority