Saturday, July 2, 2011

#NEARA11 's Obama Endorsement: Will They, or Won't They? - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NEA's Obama Endorsement: Will They, or Won't They? - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NEA's Obama Endorsement: Will They, or Won't They?

So will the National Education Association's delegates vote at this year's Representative Assembly to endorse Barack Obama for United States president—or won't they?

A few days ago, I wrote that an endorsement was all but a done deal. Now I'm wondering if I'll have to eat my words.

Why? Well, take a look at a New Business Item that is coming up for debate this afternoon.. Its sponsors want to postpone the endorsement and vote in January 2012 instead through an electronic or mail ballot. The NBI rationale says that it would "provide a common ground between those who want to endorse the president at this RA and those who do not."

Or read Stephanie Banchero's story in The Wall Street Journal, which points to a California advisory group that