Sunday, July 24, 2011

From Learner to Leader - Arlington, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post

From Learner to Leader - Arlington, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post

From Learner to Leader

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"The world is very different now...let the word go forth from this time and place...that the torch has been passed to a new generation...born in this century..."

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961. Accessed online July 24, 2011 at 4:15 PM at

This past week ASCD leaders from around the world gathered together here in Virginia for our Leader to Leader (L2L) conference, where we challenged one another to revolutionize the way we learn.

Why now? Society is shifting all around us. The meaning of what it means to be literate, let alone prepared and productive, is being redefined. If we don’t keep our footing and continue to advocate for educators at all levels, who will?

ASCD is unique in that it is not beholden to any one job-alike educator group or academic discipline. Its only agenda is a moral imperative to champion what is best for children. This is evident in its major initiatives: the Whole Child, Healthy School Communities, Educator Advocates, Emerging Leaders and the Outstanding Young Educator Award. I am proud to contribute to an organization that sets standards of excellence admired by educators everywhere.

How do we revolutionize the way we learn? We start with ourselves; revolutionizing the way we work. For the last two years ASCD has thoughtfully, deliberately studied and