Blogger Fred Klonsky's crusade against public education reform
Klonsky's is a voice from the classroom that's oft overlooked
By Ben JoravskyIn the last few weeks, Fred Klonsky has been the Paul Revere of the school blogging world, writing post after post on his education blog warning readers that, in as many words, "The reformers are coming! The reformers are coming!"
In particular, Klonsky is talking about the zealots, backed by multimillionaires, who are crusading against teachers' unions as they claim to fight for the "reform" of public education.
It was Klonsky, as much as anyone, who was responsible for shining a light on the now-infamous I'm-the-king-of-the-universe talk Jonah Edelman gave last month at a think-tank gathering in Aspen, Colorado.
That's the one where Edelman, CEO of the education group Stand for Children, explained how he and his cohorts had effectively