Friday, June 17, 2011

Understanding Public Charter Schools (Or, More Spin From A Shyster)

Understanding Public Charter Schools (Or, More Spin From A Shyster)

Understanding Public Charter Schools (Or, More Spin From A Shyster)

Charter schools are public schools that operate with more flexibility than traditional district schools. Yet, many people mistakenly refer to them as "private," or say they simply don't understand what category they fall into. We wanted to answer some of the common questions we have received about charter schools. So, we turned to James Merriman, chief executive officer of the New York City Charter School Center for some answers.

James D. Merriman is Chief Executive Officer of the New York City Charter School Center, and is one of New York's leading experts in charter school law, authorizing, and operations. Before joining the NYC Charter School Center in 2007, he worked at the Walton Family Foundation where he helped develop and