Saturday, June 11, 2011

So Whats Got Your Undies In A Bunch Today? |

So Whats Got Your Undies In A Bunch Today? |

So Whats Got Your Undies In A Bunch Today?

Please forgive me, my inability to focus on one issue when two are most pressing on my mind. I love the “World Affairs Council” for the perspective it brings to current issues around the world. KQED presents the program early on Saturday A.M., when I am up and going about my chores. This morning’s “It’s Your World” addressed our relationship with Pakistan, on the program “Pakistan: A Hard Country.” For me, however, it introduced more problems than it resolved.

I remember when Barbara Boxer was running against that Carly chick and the Honourable MS Boxer brought up the area of security problems that the US will soon face as a result of Global warming. Carly dismissed the threat as Boxer worried about whether it was going to rain or not. Well, The last question the speaker addressed this A.M. was the water issue in Pakistan and how it might affect our relations with that country. I urge you to go to the website soon and download the MP3 of the program. In the meantime, find below my letter to the World Affairs Council…