Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sec Arne Duncan… 35%, this coach says aim higher… hold big business to the same standards. Save our Schools. « Continuing Change

Sec Arne Duncan… 35%, this coach says aim higher… hold big business to the same standards. Save our Schools. « Continuing Change

Sec Arne Duncan… 35%, this coach says aim higher… hold big business to the same standards. Save our Schools.

Come on Arne… you could have dunked it !!


Quote: “We’re asking companies that get up to 90 percent of their profits from taxpayer dollars to be at least 35 percent effective,” Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, of the new rules.

Only 35% effective… ??? Really ???


I wonder if Arne used his shooting percentage

to calculate that 35% … lol



Epic Fail, boys…


Just imagine if we, public school teachers, had scores as low as 35%…

We would be fired.

I guess what is good for the goose…

is not necessarily good for the gander.