Thursday, June 9, 2011

School Tech Connect: Another Fax Won't Kill You...

School Tech Connect: Another Fax Won't Kill You...
School Tech Connect

Another Fax Won't Kill You...

In for a penny, in for a pound...

On good advice, I just faxed the governor regarding SB 79, the bill sponsored by my own state senator that would in a nutshell provide an end-run around democratically elected school boards all around the state. There is something slightly foul about this ed reform movement; they use legislative processes to reduce people's overall access to democracy. It's going to be their way or the highway.

As always, I'm available to help show your local organization how to use some very simple tools to get good response rates on political action. Why send out one message when you can send out 100; it's easy, and it's basically free.

If you're downstate or in the suburbs, you should be concerned about this particular bill. Some of the people behind it are hell bent on chartering away the entire public education system.

Incidentally, I lost the governor's fax number, so I went to one of the state local organizations for it. On their website, they have a suggested message for thanking the governor for signing SB7, the "reform" law for which I would be hard-pressed to describe a single positive outcome. For anyone.

We've lost our way. My neighbor is right; we have to re-think what it means to lobby.