Friday, June 10, 2011

A school reformer gets real - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

A school reformer gets real - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

A school reformer gets real


There’s been a ruckus in the education policy world since The New York Times published a piece on May 31 byeducation historian Diane Ravitch questioning whether schools hailed as success stories by the Obama administration were, in fact, so successful. The reaction by some of Ravitch’s critics was histrionic, including a puzzling Jonathan Alter diatribe (on Bloomberg Review) in which Education Secretary Arne Duncan was quoted as taking an ill-advised shot at her too.

But there was one piece from a Ravitch critic that made sense and here it is. The following essay, by Thomas B. Fordham Institute Executive Vice President Michael J. Petrilli, was first posted (in a slightly different format) on Fordham’s blog, Flypaper. Petrilli can be found on Twitter at @michaelpetrilli.

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How much does stress affect learning?


This was written by educator Anthony Cody, who taught science for 18 years in inner-city Oakland and now works with a team of science teacher-coaches that supports novice teachers. He is a National Board-certified teacher and an active member of the Teacher Leaders Network. This post appeared on his Education Week Teacher blog, Living in Dialogue.

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