Rise & Shine: Bloomberg defends credibility after layoff threats | GothamSchools- Even without layoffs, schools and other city agencies are still seeing cuts. (GothamSchools, Times, Post)
- After threatening layoffs for years not executing them, Mayor Bloomberg defended his credibility. (WSJ)
- Bloomberg said he wanted to avert teacher layoffs because “last in, first out” rules still apply. (Post)
- Parents at Shuang Wen school in Chinatown are suing the city to stop investigating it. (NY1, Post)
- Performance Conservatory HS failed to ensure many potential graduates had met requirements. (NY1)
- The city school board voted again to approve a long list of charter school co-locations. (GothamSchools)
- The NAACP’s Hazel Dukes got into loud fights at the board meeting. (GothamSchools, Daily News, Post)
- The board also voted to turn Khalil Gibran International Academy into a high school only. (AP)
- A teacher from PS 246 in the Bronx is suing the city, saying her stillbirth was her principal’s fault. (Post)
- Opinion is mixed on D.C.’s Impact teacher evaluation system, which hasn’t led to many firings. (Times)