Friday, June 17, 2011

Netroots Livestream: Engaging Progressives in the Fight to Save Public Education #NN11

Education Votes

Netroots Livestream: Engaging Progressives in the Fight to Save Public Education

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Time: Friday, June 17 · 11:30am – 1:00pm EDT (10:30am-12:00pm CDT)

National Education Association Vice President Lily Eskelsen joins a panel that will discuss the key underlying factors driving the so-called school reform movement, including efforts to de-professionalize teachers, open up the sector for profit-making, stratify educational opportunities and undermine unions. How can progressives successfully challenge the powerful forces behind misguided school reform efforts? How can activists use the blogosphere to move public education policies toward a more progressive agenda?

Come back to this page on Friday, June 17 to view the livestream.
