Thursday, June 9, 2011

Modern School: Let Them Eat Cake: San Diego County Board of Education Votes Itself a Raise

Modern School: Let Them Eat Cake: San Diego County Board of Education Votes Itself a Raise

Let Them Eat Cake: San Diego County Board of Education Votes Itself a Raise

What if teachers and other workers could vote themselves a raise? Alas, we actually have to get up early and work for our meager salaries. Only bosses get this privilege. And, when you get right down to it, school board members are nothing but bosses.

Some have argued that school board members generally do not make much. On the other hand, they do not do much either. And their membership on the board is often a stepping stone to higher office, which helps them to cultivate relationships with business leaders that can result in various lucrative future jobs. So, in a way, serving on a school board could be seen as an apprenticeship, like student teaching, except way more profitable in the long run.

Of course, we are not talking about real money here. The 5% raise will only increase their