Thursday, June 16, 2011

Markos and Lily: Dreaming at Netroots Nation - Lily's Blackboard #nn11

Markos and Lily: Dreaming at Netroots Nation - Lily's Blackboard – Lily's Blackboard

Markos and Lily: Dreaming at Netroots Nation

Markos and Lily at Netroots Nation

Lily sat down with Markos Moulistas founder of DailyKosand had a frank, open and compelling conversation about the Dream Act, politics, organizing and how activists and educators can make a difference in their communities and in the nation.

The Dream Act would allowundocumented students with good character to obtain conditional permanent resident status after high school graduation, and then apply for citizenship if they successfully graduate from college or join the military.

Brought here as children, the United States is the only country they call home. Even though they have the same dreams as other American children, and have