Thursday, June 30, 2011

Governor Signs Budget, Makes No Vetoes of Education Funding « State of Emergency

Governor Signs Budget, Makes No Vetoes of Education Funding « State of Emergency

Governor Signs Budget; Makes No Vetoes of Education Funding

(SACRAMENTO) 30 June 2011 — Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday signed the new 2011-2012 state budget, a day before the start of California’s new fiscal year.

In announcing the action, the governor’s office also released a list of the line item vetoes (reductions or cuts in appropriations) the governor made before penning the spending plan into law.

Below is the news release announcing the budget enactment. A link will take you to the list of the governor’s vetoes.

Governor Brown Signs Honest, Balanced and On-Time Budget


SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed the 2011-12 California State Budget (SB 87), dropping General Fund spending to the lowest level in decades, returning authority to local government and closing the state’s $26.6 billion deficit.

The budget makes substantial cuts to government programs and reduces state spending by $15 billion. As a