Sunday, June 12, 2011

Education reform: U.S. may waive some education mandates for states -

Education reform: U.S. may waive some education mandates for states -

U.S. may waive some education mandates for states

If a deal isn't reached in Congress on revising No Child Left Behind, the Education Department may offer states that undertake reform efforts some flexibility on federal requirements.

By Jason Song, Los Angeles Times

June 12, 2011

If Congress fails to approve changes to a key school accountability bill, federal officials will consider waiving some mandates for states that agree to educational reforms.

Federal education officials said they would prefer that Congress approve a substantially revised version of No Child Left Behind, a package of mainly testing reforms that was the Bush administration's signature education law, approved in 2001. President Obama has asked Congress to reauthorize the bill by this fall. But lawmakers may miss that deadline, Education Department officials said.

If an agreement cannot be reached, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said, his department is prepared to offer states that undertake reform efforts some flexibility on federal requirements.

"The worst-case scenario is Congress does nothing and we do nothing," Duncan said in a conference call with reporters last week.

Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez), who heads the education and workforce committee, said he hopes that Congress will take action this legislative session.

"It's a moral imperative, an economic necessity and simply the right thing to do for our children and the future of this country," he said in a statement.