Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Democurmudgeon: The Second most Amazing School Privatization Story this Week; The Corporatization of School Superintendents.

Democurmudgeon: The Second most Amazing School Privatization Story this Week; The Corporatization of School Superintendents.

The Second most Amazing School Privatization Story this Week; The Corporatization of School Superintendents.

It’s not like the warning signs aren’t there for everyone to see, it’s just that no one is getting the information, especially if they’re only listening to conservative talk radio and watching cable news.

The phony “empowering parents” argument is anything but. These newly trained CEO style superintendents offer top down decision making management. Privatization merely tosses parents off into a corporate style system where they are cut off from the decision making process, at which time, it’s really too late to change. Check out this early warning sign that only a few will be made aware of:

EdWeek: Billionaire businessman Eli Broad, one of the country’s most active philanthropists, founded the Broad Superintendents Academy in 2002 … The nation’s three biggest districts have Broad-trained executives in top leadership positions. Broad-trained superintendents use corporate-management techniques to consolidate power, weaken teachers’ job protections, cut parents out of decision making, and introduce unproven reform measures.

One of those critics is Sharon Higgins (started) The Broad Report in 2009 after her school district in