Monday, May 2, 2011

When will the testing bubble burst? - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

When will the testing bubble burst? - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

When will the testing bubble burst?


This was written by educator Anthony Cody, who taught science for 18 years in inner-city Oakland and now works with a team of science teacher-coaches that supports novice teachers. He is a National Board-certified teacher and an active member of the Teacher Leaders Network. This post appeared on his Education Week Teacher blog,Living in Dialogue.

By Anthony Cody

In the mid-1920s our economy boomed. The stock market, then relatively new, soared to amazing heights, as the middle class invested their money and saw their wealth grow. But there was a problem. The stock market prices had inflated beyond the intrinsic worth of the companies they were based upon. This came to be known as a stock market bubble, because when the inflation of value stopped, the bubble burst and the economy collapsed.

The nation experienced another bubble recently with the rising value of real estate, which blew up in our faces a few years ago, and is still