Sunday, May 15, 2011

What would make a teacher do that? | Reflections on Teaching

What would make a teacher do that? | Reflections on Teaching

What would make a teacher do that?

“It’s so sad that teachers have to go this far to get the attention of some lawmakers.”
–David Sanchez, President of CTA

Since I was at the State of Emergency held by CTA all week, I got to know some of the participants in Thursday’s sit-in. I thought I would share the story of one participant, George Sheriden.

George went with me to visit Senator Darrell Steinberg’s office on day one. He is a soft-spoken first grade teacher, but as you see from this video, he is also a man of convictions, and you get hints even then of why he would do this when he talks about being in Sacramento. He speaks of MLK, a historical figure that he teaches his young students about:


You can see his dignity as he marches to the bus that will carry him to jail, head held high: