Monday, May 23, 2011

This Week In Education: Best 5 Blogs: Debating Valerie Strauss (& Education)

This Week In Education: Best 5 Blogs: Debating Valerie Strauss (& Education)

Best 5 Blogs: Debating Valerie Strauss (& Education)

6a00e54ef96453883401538e8b83e9970b-250wiValerie Strauss is the Lou Dobbs of Education Jay P. Greene: Just as CNN needed a reinvented Dobbs to capture some of the audience attracted to O’Reilly at Fox, maybe WaPo needed a reinvented Strauss to capture some of the readers attracted to Ravitch and Eduwonkette... Teach Plus changes Web site to reflect reality Valerie Strauss: Today the nonprofit organization Teach Plus changed its “Why We Exist” statement on its Web site in regard to the importance of teachers in student success... A Times DerbyEducation Next: How did we get to the point where we now can’t teach kids unless we first fix their parents and make them middle class? Cheaters Cheaters...Everywhere? Luke Kohlmoos: It is statements like these that

Cartoons: Leveling The Playing Field -- Through Budget Cuts