Friday, May 27, 2011

This Week In Education: AM News: Governors Miffed Over "Race 3" Rollout

This Week In Education: AM News: Governors Miffed Over "Race 3" Rollout

AM News: Governors Miffed Over "Race 3" Rollout

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South Carolina Stance on School Aid Is Criticized NYT: South Carolina’s education superintendent faced criticism the day after announcing that the state would not compete for federal money in the Race to the Top school improvement competition... RTTT Runners-Up Not Jumping at Chance to Split $200 Million EdWeek: Now, Pennsylvania officials are telling me they might apply... Kentucky's participation isn't a sure thing either... New Fellowship Pays For College Kids To Drop Out NPR: The "Twenty Under Twenty" fellowship provides $100,000 over a two-year period to each of the recipients... Conn. group fights to end seniority-based layoffs for teachers AP: Leaders and supporters of a Connecticut group seeking education law changes are pushing lawmakers to stop school districts from using seniority to determine which teachers could face budget-related layoffs... Alabama Bill Shortens Teacher Termination Process HuffED: The bill keeps both tenure and the timeline for achieving it in place for teachers but eliminates the lengthy federal arbitration process for firing tenured teachers... Lawmakers to Duncan: Keep NCLB's Tutoring Program EdWeek: Some advocates, including T. Willard Fair want to see the reauthorized law keep the requirement that schools offer free tutoring to everyone, not just the kids in subgroups that miss AYP...

Quote: Rhee Describes A Turnaround On Vouchers

Quotes2I am a card-carrying Democrat … I always drew the line at vouchers … (I) completely changed my outlook. -- Former DCPS head Michelle Rhee