Monday, May 9, 2011

Superintendent threatens principal for offering teacher tenure « JD2718

Superintendent threatens principal for offering teacher tenure « JD2718

Superintendent threatens principal for offering teacher tenure

Absurd? Ridiculous? Yes. But true.

The story that follows is from a NYC teacher, third year, in a middle school in a NYC district. Her name and school are not available yet, but will be, soon.

She saw the story I wrote last week, about my friend up for tenure instead having his probation extended, about all the probationers in his school being extended, en masse, without even looking at them.

And she added her own story. Read it:

About Me:
-I have been teaching for more than eight years – all but the last three were in the State of Texas.
-I currently teach at a school that received an A.
-The TDI from my first year in the DOE called me a “Low Performing” teacher – I had 67 students, zero failed,