Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Schools Matter: The Lawless Christie

Schools Matter: The Lawless Christie

The Lawless Christie

Had there ever been a horse big enough to support his groaning girth, Chris Christie would have been quite the old West figure. He uses a spicy campfire kind of abusive humor to mask an all-consuming hostility toward others, and with a little twist of the unexpected in his practiced delivery, he is effective in making our long-held prejudices seem like brilliant insights into the nature of things. He is dependably anti-intellectual and gross enough to never be suspected of having a feminine side (if you know what I mean). And he is literally and figuratively gutsy enough to bulldoze his way through any government agency hiding behind the Law! Indeed, he is the Koch Brothers dream candidate to use government to end government, so there is no wonder why the old whore, John Boehner, is recruiting him to roll run for the Presidency. A round-up from Jersey:

Paul Tractenburg
NJ Spotlight
In at least three recent instances involving the state's public education system, Christie has