Saturday, May 21, 2011

Schools Matter: Anti-Authoritarians Unite: Beginning the American Spring

Schools Matter: Anti-Authoritarians Unite: Beginning the American Spring

Anti-Authoritarians Unite: Beginning the American Spring

With teams of lawyers, economists, and think tank bottom feeders paid to pursue the dystopic vision of a handful of obscenely-wealthy psychopaths, it is easy for those who do not subscribe to their pre-determined future to become discouraged. Here are some good tips to keep in mind and in heart by Bruce Levine, posted at AlterNet.

Point # 5 is particularly pertinent for educators. By the way, if you are not a subscriber to AlterNet, you should:
10 Steps to Defeat the Corptocracy
By Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet
Posted on May 20, 2011, Printed on May 21, 2011

Many Americans know that the United States is not a democracy but a "corporatocracy," in which we are ruled by a partnership of giant corporations, the extremely wealthy elite and corporate-collaborator government officials. However, the truth of such tyranny is not enough to set most of