Friday, May 20, 2011

School Tech Connect: Henry Bayer on Chicago Tonight

School Tech Connect: Henry Bayer on Chicago Tonight

Henry Bayer on Chicago Tonight

Henry Bayer kicked ass in this recent episode of Chicago Tonight, by the way. I skipped right to the part where the Civic Federation guy finally stops talking and Henry starts telling the truth. (about 9:20)

Just to summarize--- even Laurence Msall agrees that the teachers have been paying their share. The problem is that the state has not paid its. He seems to think the taxpayers are these Innocent Abroad-types who've been

More Boneheaddery

Another bad idea.

In education, it's all the rage to be furious when your school idea is turned down. Just go around the elected board--- invent an appointed panel to get your way. Seriously, we don't need any elected bodies at all, just