Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rhee charged - Upfront - Local Stories - May 19, 2011 - Reno News & Review

Rhee charged - Upfront - Local Stories - May 19, 2011 - Reno News & Review

Rhee charged

Rhee charged with deception

By Dennis Myers
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This article was published on 05.19.11.

Teacher-bashing Michelle Rhee is being accused of trying to raise money for her private organization, StudentsFirst, by posing as a friend of teachers.
Rhee, whose short tenure as Washington, D.C., schools chief became an inspiration for conservatives, sent out a fund raising letter that contains warm, fuzzy language like this:
“Teachers have an enormous impact on a child’s success in school. And so we are very excited about the new education reform law signed this weekend in Indiana, which focuses on teacher quality. Similar reform has passed in Florida and is moving forward in Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, and Ohio. … It is Teacher Appreciation Week across America. I hope you will join me in taking