Thursday, May 5, 2011

President of the University of Maryland allegedly walked out in a huff after discussion on Daycon with students, officials |

President of the University of Maryland allegedly walked out in a huff after discussion on Daycon with students, officials |

President of the University of Maryland allegedly walked out in a huff after discussion on Daycon with students, officials

Just when one thought that the situation at the University of Maryland could not get worse, it did. If it is not management abusing public workers at the university, which has been is being reported at Daily Censored and the Diamondback (the University of Maryland’s campus paper), it has now come to light that negotiating with students regarding violations of federal law is simply out of the question.

It is very telling that this University is now becoming more and more transparent as to its operating procedures and contempt for workers and students who pay the Chancellor’s salary along with his managerial pencil pushers.

In the following article Leah Villanueva reports from the frontline of the