Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: An open letter about the botched CEC elections from Shino Tanikawa

NYC Public School Parents: An open letter about the botched CEC elections from Shino Tanikawa

An open letter about the botched CEC elections from Shino Tanikawa

There have been many problems with this year's process surrounding the election of Community Education Council members, as reported in news accounts here and here. The final outrage is the determination of the DOE to keep secret the names of candidates, which is of doubtful legality.
It is also known that there was a big push to recruit charter school parents who might be more favorably inclined to the administration's policies.
After sending this letter this morning to Ojeda Hall, head of OFIA, Shino Tanikawa, Community Education Council member from District 2, received an e-mail reply saying Ms. Hall was going to call her today. We will report back as to what is said and more importantly, done.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Shino Tanikawa
To: Ojeda Hall
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2011 6:57:26 AM
Subject: CEC election
Dear Ojeda,

I attended the CECD2 and CCHS candidates forum last night as a candidate for both Councils. I would like to