Tuesday, May 31, 2011

NYC Educator: Options-qua-Options Are Morally Neutral

NYC Educator: Options-qua-Options Are Morally Neutral

Options-qua-Options Are Morally Neutral

In an interview with WNYC, Chancellor Walcott said, among other things, that he is "jealous that parents have way more options than [he] had when [he] was a parent of school children." It caught my attention, on my morning commute today, that the Chancellor seems to believe that having options is, in and of itself, a good thing.

I'm not sure that I agree. I'm also not sure that all parents agree. The parents of eighth graders who were until recently shut out of their high school selectionsmight exchange having hundreds of options for having a few good options from which they could choose expeditiously. Some options than some parents might like to have is the option for a large and comprehensive, and also high-quality, neighborhood high school, an option that is being taken away from many of NYC's parents and students.

As many of our regular readers know, I have certainly had mixed feelings about our still-new-ish Chancellor. I