Thursday, May 19, 2011

The new phony ed reform law puts teachers and students at risk. Evaluations based on faulty data. « Fred Klonsky's blog

The new phony ed reform law puts teachers and students at risk. Evaluations based on faulty data. « Fred Klonsky's blog

The new phony ed reform law puts teachers and students at risk. Evaluations based on faulty data.

Jim Broadway reports that the phony education reform law that was just passed by the Illinois General Assembly, with the support of the IEA but over the opposition of the Illinois Federation of Labor and the Chicago Teachers Union, puts teachers’ jobs at risk due to faulty data. The law takes away seniority protection. Instead teachers may lose their jobs over test results that are unreliable.

While students scores on tests designed in their own states may have gone up in recent years, FairTest points out that scores on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) instruments are barely nudged by all this teaching to the test.

Even worse, their scores on tests taken by college-bound students the ACT and