Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mike Klonsky: Rahm Still Believes in Texas 'Miracles'

Mike Klonsky: Rahm Still Believes in Texas 'Miracles'
Mike Klonsky

Mike Klonsky


Rahm Still Believes in Texas 'Miracles'

The data shows that the longer you stay in the classroom learning, you'll learn more..." -- Rahm Emanuel

While you mull that one over, I want to know who the genius was that told Chicago mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel to model his school reform initiative after Houston, Texas? It's one thing having the mayor in charge of public education turn CPS into a wing of City Hall. It's another to have that same mayor taking advice from a group of hand-picked, politically loyal, billionaire "expert" members of his new corporate-reform education team.

Was it David Vitale? Penny Pritzker? I'm sure they both know Houston quite well. Penny owns a few Hyatts down there and David probably has a bank or two.

Or maybe Emanuel ran into George Bush's former ed secretary Rod Paige back in D.C., who may have told him about the "Texas Miracle." That questionable story actually propelled the former

Posted: 05/ 5/11 01:37 PM ET