Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to fix the STEM deficit - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

How to fix the STEM deficit - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

How to fix the STEM deficit


This was written by Arthur Levine, the author of many books and articles on education, is president of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, the former president of Teachers College at Columbia University and a former professor there, and the former chair of the Institute for Educational Management at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

By Arthur Levine

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What is Joel Klein talking about?

What is Joel Klein talking about?

The former New York City schools chancellor writes in a new Atlantic magazine article about how he couldn’t move state officials -- or, rather, the Democratic-controlled legislature -- to allow him to consider student standardized test scores in teacher evaluations, and how that explains “the depth of the problem.”

The problem, according to Klein, is that adults in education (except for him and others who agree with him) only care about themselves and not about helping kids learn and that the lousy teaching corps and its unions are responsible for the sorry state of public education. The hyperbolic headline on the magazine cover is: “Who Ruined Our Schools: An Insider Tells All.

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