Sunday, May 29, 2011

Form a Parents Across America chapter or affiliate « Parents Across America

Form a Parents Across America chapter or affiliate « Parents Across America

Form a Parents Across America chapter or affiliate

Parents Across America invites local or statewide education groups who share our overall goals of progressive, positive education reform and more parent input in education policy to affiliate with us. The more of us there are, the stronger our voice will be at every level.

We are also looking for parents who are interested in forming new chapters of PAA in their states and/or local communities. Check out what we believe, and if you agree, join with us!

We’ll coordinate our national activities with our chapters and affiliates, help you promote your events and recruit members, send you alerts about key legislative issues, share policy and research resources, and work together to save our public schools. We will also invite you to contribute to our website and blog.

If you are interested in having your existing group become a PAA affiliate, or you would like to form a new chapter of PAA, please write us at: