Monday, May 16, 2011

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Change Doesn't Mean Progress

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Change Doesn't Mean Progress

Change Doesn't Mean Progress

As Tim Stahmer so aptly says, change doesn't mean progress.

As Robert Madden says,

"Given that just one of those is reason enough to embrace technology in the classroom, why are some people using standardized test scores to seemingly justify its integration? By using test scores as a justification we are giving them an importance that I don’t think many of us believe or would want others to. "
The Hand
The human hand. A beautiful thing. 123 bones. 29 major and minor bones. 29 major joints. 48 names nerves. 30 named arteries.

One out of six disabling work injuries involves the fingers.

It is important. It helps us manipulate our world.

The hand has helped the sick from the gutter and fed the poor. The hand has caressed lovers and been raised in the salute. It has built homes and driven cars. It has even made cars. Lots of good has come from the hand.

The hand has killed, maimed, and tortured other human beings. It has pushed buttons that have deployed