Sunday, May 29, 2011

Boomerangers come back to households in S.F.

Boomerangers come back to households in S.F.

Boomerangers come back to households in S.F.

Back in her old bedroom, recent college grad Kari Fox plays with Rollo as she sits with her mother, Maureen Murray-Fox.

Cole Armstrong, 24, graduated with degrees in political science and economics from Swarthmore, going on to win a prestigious internship at the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association.

Just one hitch: It is part time and unpaid.

So he moved home to live rent-free at his parents' in the Castro district.

California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo graduate Sara Hamling, 23, is just settling into her old room in San Mateo after begrudgingly unpacking college boxes.

Kari Fox, 23, a Georgetown graduate with a theater degree, can't complain as her mother fixes them both Manhattans at home in the Inner Richmond.

Whether it's the economy, lack of planning or friendlier relationships between

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