Monday, May 2, 2011

Answering Parents' College Planning Questions - The College Admissions Insider (

Answering Parents' College Planning Questions - The College Admissions Insider (

Answering Parents' College Planning Questions

Periodically, I respond directly to questions about college planning that might be of interest to others as they engage in the process. This week's column features some of those exchanges with parents. If there are questions or concerns you would like me to address, please direct them to me at

Our daughter heard that she needs to submit the results from all of the SAT and ACT tests she has taken with her college applications. I was under the impression that applicants only need to submit scores from one of the tests—is this correct?

According to the rules of "score choice" offered by the respective test makers, applicants are the owners of their scores and can determine which of their test results are to be sent to