Friday, April 22, 2011

Teachers Aren't The Enemy by Pedro Noguera and Michelle Fine -

Parent Advocates -
Teachers Aren't The Enemy by Pedro Noguera and Michelle Fine
Noguera and Fine write: "It’s hard to think of another field in which experience is considered a liability and those who know the least about the nuts and bolts of an enterprise are embraced as experts." I remember Mr. Noguera attacking parents and teachers at my daughter's excellent public school for opposing the stuffing of the worst charter school in America, Ross Global Charter Academy, into NEST+M in New York City. He failed, but his effort was documented under the banner of "charter schools for all," Betsy Combier

Teachers Aren't the Enemy
Pedro Noguera and Michelle Fine, The Nation, April 21, 2011

Public school teachers and their unions are under a sustained assault that is still unfolding. In 2010 Michelle Rhee, former Washington, DC, schools chancellor, announced the creation of a multimillion-dollar lobbying organization for the explicit purpose of undermining teachers unions. She has charged that “bad teachers” are the primary cause of the problems that beset America’s schools. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has asserted that effective teachers need no experience. Romanticizing the young, energetic, passionate (read: che