Friday, April 1, 2011

Schools Matter: Secrets Behind the KIPP Bump, Part I: Student Demographics

Schools Matter: Secrets Behind the KIPP Bump, Part I: Student Demographics

Secrets Behind the KIPP Bump, Part I: Student Demographics

This is first of several posts with results from a widely reported new study of the KIPP phenomenon. Let the numbers speak:
Student Characteristics: A Cross-Sectional Look at KIPP Schools Relative to Local Districts
During 2008-09, KIPP enrolled a significantly higher proportion of African American students (55%) than did the respective local school districts (32%). However, KIPP schools served a substantially lower proportion of Hispanic students (39%) compared with local districts (50%). KIPP also enrolled substantially fewer white students (2%) compared withlocal districts (11%).

Koch-Heads in the Media Stop the Presses as the Koch 300 Stage Protest

When thousands show up in Lansing to protest the anti-democratic Governor Rick Snyder's Koch agenda or when other thousands show up on Columbus to protest the shenanigans of the ex-Fox star, Governor Kasich, the national media coverage is weak to non-existent. Same for Tallahassee or Nashville or Raleigh or Boise.

And yet, yesterday the Koch Brothers flew in or bused in 300 ignorant dupes to scream on Capitol Hill in favor of the John Birch Society social agenda and the anti-American casino capitalist economic agenda, and every network and every newspaper pushed the story to the top of their line-ups or their front pages. The sad handful of crackpots that could be recruited for yesterday's event simply offer an excuse for the Koch-heads in the House led by Boehner to march out and make threats based the wishes of their patrons and the other Board members