Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pell Grants Survive Federal Budget Process - Student Loan Ranger (

Pell Grants Survive Federal Budget Process - Student Loan Ranger (

Pell Grants Survive Federal Budget Process

Details continue to trickle out about the federal budget compromise negotiated last week. One piece of good news is that the bill provides $23 billion in funding for Pell Grants andmaintains the maximum grant at $5,550.

But the bill does eliminate the so-called "two Pells" program, which allows students to get additional Pell Grants for summer enrollment. With Democrats and Republicans already preparing competing budget proposals for 2012, now seems like a good time to review the Pell Grants program.

[Read more about Pell Grants.]

For literally millions of people, Federal Pell Grants—need-based grants provided to low-income students—are a lifeline when it comes to affording a college education. Pell Grants are the