Monday, April 11, 2011

New Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott greeted by parent suit vs. charter

New Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott greeted by parent suit vs. charter

New Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott greeted by parent suit vs. charter

Monday, April 11th 2011, 4:00 AM

Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott replaced Cathie Black.
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott replaced Cathie Black.

In a first major challenge to incoming Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott, parents are suing to block the city's plan to let a Manhattan high school share space with a charter school.

The largely technical lawsuit, filed Friday in Manhattan Supreme Court, attacks the city for undercounting the number of students at the Brandeis High School campus - and overestimating the room available for Upper West Success, a charter elementary school.

"We don't want our children to be treated like second-class citizens in their own

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