Monday, April 25, 2011

Kochtopus: Right-wing Network of Money, Power, and Influence |

Kochtopus: Right-wing Network of Money, Power, and Influence |

Kochtopus: Right-wing Network of Money, Power, and Influence

koch banner 300x112 Kochtopus: Right wing Network of Money, Power, and Influence

Banner by Greenpeace

Charles and David Koch might very well the greatest threat to America sense World War II. Over the last fifty years, the bothers have been slowly developing, tweaking, and expanding a fascist political network designed to end American democracy as we know it. The many arms of the Koch brother’s ideological network have been descriptively labeled by some as the Kochtopus.

The Kochtopus finances no less than 85 right-wing extremist organizations that actively promote the Koch brothers vision of a corporate state or fascism. Fascism is not a word that should be thrown about lightly. After all, over the last century, the greatest threat to freedom and democracy was not communism, rather fascist influenced Nazism. Of course, this is not to say