Friday, April 15, 2011

ConnCan Cluelessness « School Finance 101

ConnCan Cluelessness « School Finance 101

ConnCan Cluelessness

In their response to my Think Tank Review of Spend Smart: Fix Our Broken School Funding System, ConnCan asserts that I claim that Connecticut’s school finance formula is not broken. (see:

As I state in my report, it’s not that the formula is not problematic, but that ConnCan fails to make any reasonable case that it is – even though it is. Their analysis is simply too shoddy, weak, incompetent to validate that it is broken, or how it is broken. I explain:

There may in fact be legitimate concerns over the equity and adequacy of funding to Connecticut schools as a result of significant problems with the Education Cost Sharing Formula. However, the ConnCAN Spend Smart report provides little or no supporting evidence for their claim that the