Friday, April 8, 2011

Big Budget Showdown – The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers |

Big Budget Showdown – The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers |

Big Budget Showdown – The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers

By Michael Collins Why can’t anyone in a position of power mention the unmentionable? The Republican crazies are in a celebrity death match with sleepwalking Democrats. It is a fabricated drama amounting to not much of anything in terms of the nation’s well being. The stakes are supposedly the shutdown of the United States government [...]

What’s it all about, Alfie?

It is not about spending. But then we know that, look at the tax breaks for the super rich. It is not about jobs because shutting down the government will KILL the economy. So, what’s it all about, Alfie? Republicans are refusing to budge on these ideological demands: • No federal financing for Planned Parenthood [...]