Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Battling the Zuckerberg blowback: Newark's mayor and Facebook's billionaire have explaining to do

Battling the Zuckerberg blowback: Newark's mayor and Facebook's billionaire have explaining to do

Battling the Zuckerberg blowback: Newark's mayor and Facebook's billionaire have explaining to do

Tuesday, April 26th 2011, 9:40 AM

One of the nation's most compelling education experiments - a $100 million-plus infusion aimed both at saving Newark school children and building a national school reform model - appears at risk of early derailment.

Six months ago, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a $100 million donation to help turn around Newark schools, to be matched by another $100 million raised by Newark Mayor Cory Booker, who is currently at the $44 million mark.

Sounds promising, but what looked like a win-win project quickly slammed into public hostility from local teacher union officials and some politicians.

Booker plans to use the money in part to close failing schools, welcome in high-performing charter schools, lengthen the school day and weaken tenure protections for teachers and principals.

Even with $200 million in new money attached, that kind of agenda is running into profound opposition.

At one recent hearing, a Newark city council member compared the proposed changes to the Tuskegee experiment, where black men were unknowingly enrolled in a medical trial

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2011/04/26/2011-04-26_battling_the_zuckerberg_blowback_newarks_mayor_and_facebooks_billionaire_have_ex.html#ixzz1KelsMejk