Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 3, 2011 SCUSD School Board Meeting (25)

April 3, 2011 SCUSD School Board Meeting (25)

April 3, 2011 SCUSD School Board Meeting

by Carlos Rico on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 11:20am
On Thursday night at the SCUSD school board meeting, I had gone to speak about the new spending that was accepted in the district budget (1.72 million dollar or 2.37 million dollars, depending on the state budget.) However, I was shocked to hear, with over 400 pinked slipped teachers, that the school board had hired an “Assistant Superintendent, Information Education Technology.” The vote was unanimous…really? If that does not upset you, the district is advertising a new position, “Assistant Superintendent, Capital Asset Management Services.” An Assistant Superintendent’s salary ranges from $105,490 to $132.014. There is also an Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction and 4 Area Assistant Superintendents.
Let us not forget our current chiefs: Chief Academic Officer, Chief Accountability Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Communications Officer, Chief Family and Community Engagement Officer, Chief Business Officer, and Chief of Staff.

Here are a few things to think about: What is the primary business of any school district? To educate our children. Who educates our children? Teachers do. So my unanswered questions are: Why has the school board approved 1.72 to 2.37 million dollars of new spending (which adds to the deficit)? And…Why is the district hiring more management when they have sent out over 400 pink slips?