Sunday, March 6, 2011

#WIUnion Washington DC: Congressional Black Caucus Stands In Solidarity With Wisconsin Workers « Larry Miller's Blog

Washington DC: Congressional Black Caucus Stands In Solidarity With Wisconsin Workers « Larry Miller's Blog

Washington DC: Congressional Black Caucus Stands In Solidarity With Wisconsin Workers

Filed under: Scott Walker — millerlf @ 11:05 am

WASHINGTON – Chairman Emanuel Cleaver II, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and the Congressional Black Caucus sent the following letter to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin in support of workers’ rights. The letter to Governor Walker is attached and text included below. Chairman Cleaver also released the following statement in support:

“Anytime the rights of public workers are being compromised it is our duty to stand with them. For 40 years, the Congressional Black Caucus has worked tirelessly to ensure that all Americans, regardless of race, color or creed have the opportunity to fully pursue and achieve the American dream. Taking away public employees rights to collectively bargain seems like an assault on the pursuit of that dream.

The CBC is committed to responsibly reducing the deficit, but not with indiscriminate cuts that target hard-working American families. The sacrifices that we make as a nation must be distributed equally amongst the population – not on the backs of the public servants.”

- Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, II

Letter to Governor Walker