Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why Teachers Like Me Support Unions | Edvoices #edusolidarity

Why Teachers Like Me Support Unions | Edvoices

Why Teachers Like Me Support Unions

So I was recently asked the question, “Why do teachers like you, a supposedly ‘good’ teacher, support unions?”

I needed no time to think as I quickly replied, “Two words: Bill and Gates.” I could have easily answered that same question with two other words, Michelle and Rhee. Or Jeb and Bush. Or Scott and Walker. I could go on, but you get the idea.

All of these people I’ve mentioned–and many, many more–have the money, the power, the clout, or the connections to make themselves and their ideas heard. Furthermore, most of them are able to get people to believe in and act upon those ideas. Not because they are good ideas, but they have presented the illusion, over and over and over again–that they are good ideas. They have framed their words in a friendly tone that “puts children first,” and “rewards great teachers.” They have had their ideas published in the most prominent newspapers and magazines. They have spread their word through various television and radio shows. Some have even communicated their ideas directly to the president or his staff. I, unfortunately, cannot do any of these.

I often blog about my ideas, but the percentage of people exposed to my blogs is minuscule in comparison to those