Sunday, March 6, 2011

USHLI Joins with 19 Latino Organizations in Opposition to Attacks on Collective Bargaining - Hispanically Speaking News #wiunion

USHLI Joins with 19 Latino Organizations in Opposition to Attacks on Collective Bargaining - Hispanically Speaking News

USHLI Joins with 19 Latino Organizations in Opposition to Attacks on Collective Bargaining



The United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI) joined with 19 national organizations in calling for all workers to unite against the efforts of governors and legislators to abolish collective bargaining while putting public safety at risk, disrupting the educational process, and punishing teachers for exercising their rights in opposing this approach to fiscal stability.

Dr. Juan Andrade, Jr., USHLI President, said “Collective bargaining is the centerpiece of worker rights. These attacks against collective bargaining strike at the very heart of the right workers have to protect themselves against unfair wages, unsafe working conditions, and employer intimidation. Collective bargaining is the one right workers have to ensure access to adequate quality healthcare as well as employment and economic security. Without collective bargaining