Sunday, March 20, 2011

U.S. charter-school network with Turkish link draws federal attention | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/20/2011

U.S. charter-school network with Turkish link draws federal attention | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/20/2011

U.S. charter-school network with Turkish link draws federal attention

Fethullah Gulen is a major Islamic political figure in Turkey, but he lives in self-imposed exile in a Poconos enclave and gained his green card by convincing a federal judge in Philadelphia that he was an influential educational figure in the United States.

As evidence, his lawyer pointed to the charter schools, now more than 120 in 25 states, that his followers - Turkish scientists, engineers, and businessmen - have opened, including Truebright Science Academy in North Philadelphia and another charter in State College, Pa.

Class Size Matters 117 Gulen charter schools in 25 states, more info here: