Saturday, March 26, 2011

Teachers alone can’t create excellent schools - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Teachers alone can’t create excellent schools - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Teachers alone can’t create excellent schools


This was written by Vikash Reddy, who taught third grade in New York as a Teach for America corps member. He is a senior research assistant at the Community College Research Center, located at Teachers College, Columbia University and is completing a doctorate in Leadership, Policy and Politics at Teachers College. This piece was originally published at The Hechinger Report.

By Vikash Reddy

As a Teach For America (TFA) alumnus, I enjoyed George Will’s recent op-ed, “Teach for America: Letting the cream rise,” in The Washington Post. Will notes that TFA has become a force not just in education-reform circles but also among recent college graduates, with more than 15 percent of seniors at Harvard and Princeton competing for the chance to spend two years teaching students in low-income urban and